Project PRIM’ART is based on a strong collaboration between HERCULES laboratory, History Department (University of Évora), the Department of Art History, Faculty of Humanities and Centre for Atomic Physics of the University of Lisbon and the Regional Department of Culture of Alentejo, integrating a multidisciplinary team, with appropriate expertise to analyze the results and promote their dissemination, nationally and international, during the 28 months project.
1. Évora University (HERCULES Laboratory and History department):
Milene Gil Duarte Casal
PI, PhD Conservator–restorer)
Ana Manhita
(PhD, Chemist)
António Candeias
(PhD, Chemist)
Cristina Dias
(PhD, Chemist)
Custódia Araujo
(Master, Historian)
Dora Teixeira
(PhD, Chemist)
Maria Antónia Conde
(PhD, Historian)
Teresa Ferreira
(PhD, Chemist)
José Carlos (PhD, Chemist)
Maria Rita Espda de Torres Vaz freire (PhD student, Conservator-Restorer)
Patricia Moita (PhD, Geologist)
Susana Tereso (PhD, Artist)
2. Department of Art History Faculty of Humanities of Lisbon University :
Vitor Serrão
(PhD, Art Historian)
Patricia Monteiro (PhD, Art Historian)
Vanessa Henriques Antunes (PhD, Conservator-restorer)
3 Centre for Atomic Physics of the University of Lisbon:
Marta Cunha Monteiro Manso (PhD, Physicist)
Sofia Pessanha (PhD, Physicist)
Maria Luisa de Carvalho ( PhD, Physicist)
Stephane Longelin (PhD, Physicist)
4. Regional Department of Culture of Alentejo:
Deolinda Tavares
Margarida Donas Botto
Luis Urbano Afonso (PhD, Historian)
Schoolarships (Bis):
Sofia Pessanha (BI, 2 months)
Custódia Maria Freixal Araujo (9 months)
Joana Costa (5 months)
Catarina Pereira (4 months and half)
Nuno Carriço (3 months)
Ana Cristina Cabaça Manhita (4 months)
In total the working group was made of 21 researchers from 4 Portuguese Institutions, one consultant and 5 BIs scholarships (three of which were given to 3 researchers from the PRIM’ART team after they withdrew from their previous functions). Two researchers (Stephane Longelin and José Carlos Frade) were substituted in 2014 by three others colleagues (Cristina Barrocas Dias, Ana Manhita and Vanessa Antunes).
The first task were coordinated by the History Department of Évora University ( represented by Antónia Conde) and by the Art History Department, Faculty of Lisbon University ( represented by Vitor Serrão) while the others four were coordinated by the Principal Investigator (PI), Milene Gil, who was involved at 100% in the project during the 28months.
Besides the members of the working group, (un)graduate students and experts have contributed sporadically to the developments of the project’s tasks ( please see training and collaborations). Finally, Manuel Ribeiro, a professional photographer was hired for high-resolution technical photography acquisition and edition.